Abracadia: The greatest show on earth: trumping the hardassians

Make no mistake, for anyone interested in cultural action for human progress, Abracadia is probably the greatest show on earth - the only show where you get to witness and be part of an amazing and much needed transformation: bad-faith babylonian domination overcome by what Bob Marley called the natural mystic.

See for yourself how Abracadia’s creative arts brighten the despair of a world led by mean spirited weakhearts, denouncing and trouncing the matrix of meaningless delusions that spring from their genocidal psychosis.

Our victory consists in the more noble qualities of humble Rasta creativity, with ‘serious reasoning’ (check Yabby You and Michael Prophet!) of sound philosophical meaning, and with a heart that craves the harmony of justice and Ubuntu for all.

It was the poet, Pablo Naruda, who said: ‘you can cut down all the flowers, but you cannot stop the coming of spring’. Ideas cannot die, including Haile Selassie’s vision: “We know we shall win, as we are confident in the victory of good over evil”. Those around from the start get a front row seat for the whole journey.

If you want to be part of this unique creative journey, we invite you to follow Abracadia’s ‘Bit Of Soul’ podcast on Substack. It’s also an easy way to keep informed and engaged around real hot topics of historical moment from the personal to the social to the global.

And don’t forget to check us out on social media, the quickest way to keep abreast of the exciting developments ahead.

Abracadia’s uniquely musical writings are aligned with new emerging world changes in culture and value.

Godless western corporate capitalism relies on colonialism and racism as much as it relies of genocide. It cannot change its stripes until a spotted zebra eats a hungry lion. But now the naturally godly peoples of Africa are waking up worldwide and rejecting the old values that have oppressed us and robbed us of our own selves for so long. It is an Ancestral current with an air of the Karmic about it. And it is an ever-evolving consciousness that all Abracadians are proud to be a part of: Reminding ourselves of good reasons to be good instead of bad reasons to be bad: constructive, positive, conscious: historic, humble, humurous and human!

If you can’t feel good about your own life because you know you’re doing wrong, then you don’t need me or anyone else to tell you what to do about it.

If you feel there’s some ineffable element missing from your life when you seem to have everything, that’s how the hardassians of this world also feel sometimes. Living in denial of your inner emptiness leads a person or a people to crack eventually, like a hundred year old Chinese egg, which although prized for its rarity no one would want to eat more than a pinch of at a time.

It’s up to how much you value feeling good about yourself. Me, I like to ‘Know The Right’ (check Michael Prophet) and I prefer to stand up for good against evil instead of being scared of those who are scared of what I stand for. Remember how Erykah Badu sang: ‘most intellects do not believe in God but they fear us just the same’.

Their circle of fear starts and ends with them and they stand in it alone. I stand far outside its border, in the Abracadia zone, where I and I and I a reason in the blessed Elysian fields of Zion.

God? Is it real? Do I beleive in it personally? Do I believe the ideas about God presented in the novel (no spoliers!)? I do not believe in a person called God. I dislike giving the divine such limits as a ‘personality’, and regard all such religious images as false, manipulative and disempowering. If God were a person with a personality and personhood, it would need a gender or maybe it could be a hermaphrodite.

Some pompous and corrupted roman donkey’s butt in charge of religion has long ago decided that God is a male. Well, when they told me that as a child I wondered how big this sky-man was, and imagined his willy must be as big as a skyscraper. I mean if he is male he must have one. It’s absurd! No. I do not believe in ridiculous fairy tales that insult the true wonder of this Iration. I do not believe in their false ‘God’.

I DO know that the true God exists. I do know that it is not a person. There is no personality named God. To be a person is to be a personality, and requires one to be human first, and a socialised human at that. Otherwise you have no personality, you are not a person, you are just a self-defining human with natural instincts and inclinations that can never add up to actual personhood. A human can exist from their own side, but a person cannot, as the Buddha would agree. A person is a social construct. To say God is a male is to attribute personhood to the essence of what God is. And that just adds up to saying that God is a social construct!

I know it isn’t a ‘he with a penis’ (a ‘He with Penis’). I do know that neither kings nor popes can possibly speak for God as they oppose godliness more strongly than anyone else. God is ‘the Universe’ constantly coming into being, forever dying and multiplying. God is all. God is One! Holistic, fractal, mathematical, rhythmic, tonal, God is more music than man. (Music is just maths with volume turned up!) And God is more feelable than explainable.

Do I believe there is a divine aspect to cultural forms such as jazz and reggae, and to the poetic philosophical truths implicit in literature? Do I believe, like my old mentor, Brazilian radical priest, Paulo Freire, that a culture factory like Abracadia can present and perform cultural actions which will transform reality?

To answer to questions like that, and for more on all topics to do with Abracadia and its work, don’t forget to check Abracadia’s weekly spoken word offering at the ‘Bit Of Soul Podcast’. Come and say hi, pass by for a try. Be great to see you there. Just roll up anytime to listen, chill and reason at the lush and refreshing oasis that is Abracadia.

Until such time - In Ubuntu



Where is the ‘I’ in ‘Ubuntu’?


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