Spoken Word
The Spoken Word Generates:
Word Sound and Power Signify the Hour
Mission of the spoken word
All creatures have their voice, their song in the harmony of creation, but only humans speak words.
The spoken word is how we are formed and transformed as social agents. Language and story are how we engage with our world and how we transform it.
Spoken word is used by Abracadia to dispel the paralysing hypnosis of dystopia by announcing actual grounds for real utopian hope.
It was Paulo Freire who taught that utopian hope does not mean unrealistic or unworkable, it means saying what you will and will not stand for. Doing that seizes the initiative from those who can only speak for the status quo, robbing them of the ball.
Denouncing downpression of dystopian despair and announcing flowing utopian hope changes us from passive receivers to active agents. When we act out or live what we announce our transformation and our learning are actualised.
The Songtree: The Audiobook
Many people like to relax with an audiobook, and ‘The Songtree’ lends itself especially well to such a medium as it is written to be read and told in a storytelling flow.
Usually the preserve of heavily funded corporate backed projects, an audiobook is rare to find in an independent project.
Reciting, recording, editing and engineering; months of work. Again, special appreciation to Loa Frequency Sounds for making it possible.
In the audiobook of ‘The Songtree’ narrative, location and music are enhanced through authentic sound environments and sound technology, providing a truly immersive experience of ‘The Songtree’ for the listener.
Musical Narrations
Musical narrations are used in ‘The Songtree’ novel to introduce the chapters or solos.
Scanning the QR code printed at the top of each chapter in the book reveals the brief musical narration introducing that chapter.
Uniquely, the novel's 8 solos (chapters) are matched with 8 tunes on 'TreeSongs: The Album', which form the backing tracks for the 8 brief narrations at the top of the book chapters.
E.g. Solo 1 is introduced by a stirring drum piece, evoking the still source of the heart-strong pulse of the hills of Mother Africa: the Orisha named Ori calling the people to assemble for an important message.
The narration on this page comes from the chapter named Solo 6. This narration is called 15-30-60. These are the milestone ages given in the novel when we he hear the protagonist, Lafayette, reflecting on life. The album track ‘Wake Up And Dream’ is the source of the background music to this narration.
This is the first novel ever to include a musical audio element in this way. We couldn’t help it. It had to be done. We hope you enjoy it.
A Bit Of Soul:
The Abracadia Podcast
Abracadia’s spoken word offering gets current and real with Remi and the ‘Bit Of Soul’ Podcast. This is where we set the tone and reach out to interact with the Abracadia community through:
Real time commentaries on world events
Reflections on cultures and values
Behind the scenes on the production of Abracadia music, writing, spoken word and performance art
Guest speakers and interviews with interesting people.
Abracadia’s ‘Bit Of Soul Podcast’ is your portal to an exciting and vibrant community of discourse where conversations build a future of increasing humanity, one voice at a time. A warm welcome always awaits. We look forward to welcoming you on board!
Abracadia’s ‘Bit Of Soul Podcast’ sets out to answer one single big question: How are we preparing young people to take the reins of the future and lead humanity to new horizons in their turn?
Every ‘Bit Of Soul Podcast’ episode sheds light on that core question, and when you add all the episodes together you get a decent view of where we are heading.
With a new guest discussing a new topic each week, guests on the show include various stakeholders in the passing on of stewardship to today’s young people: teachers, students, parents, grandparents, judges, academics, social workers, artists, musicians, police, community workers, bus drivers, shop workers, etc. Anyone who deals with young people a lot and sees where they are at and where they’re headed.
The Bit Of Soul Podcast is very much a people’s platform, where all kinds of ordinary people are given equal voice and status, with equal respect given to different but equally valid ‘knowledges’.