Writings on an Ancestral Mission

Abracadia is on a mission as part of the eco system of spiritual consciousness that manifests as the natural mystic, bringing light to darkness, meaning to void.

To those immersed in West-livity it might seem exotic and spiritual. To the Afrocentric it is just part of everyday life in Ubuntu; matter of fact, normal.

The separation between spiritual and material is a false dichotomy that only prevails in West-livity. It is part of their illusory matrix. The same matrix that defines ‘the self’ as different and opposed to ‘the other’ instead of connected and related to it, and that defines everything ‘other’ as a free-market-economy commodity: resources to be exploited and profited from.

Abracadia’s mission is not to promote uni-polarity or monotheism or any such thought system that demands obedience to obvious evil. The planetary destroyers have their own voice, a puppet show media mush for the mind. Ours is the voice of serious reasoning, conscious reasoning, like Yabby You’s Prophets sing.

When we call to Jah Jah with praises it is not the psycho-fascist colonial brainwash God fed to us with slavers’ greed, cruelty and injustice. In various Bantu languages around Africa’s lakelands, including Luganda, Jajah means a grandparent! We thank our Ancestors for the heartbeat we carry on its mission. Praise to Jah Jah means we carry forward that spirit of Ubuntu which has defined homo-sapiens from the start.

‘I think therefore I am’, said Descartes, father of modern Western philosophy and ego-centred soul-less values. ‘I am because we are’ is the motto of Ubuntu, more soulful, humble and sharing. One wise, one foolish.

Pro-wisdom and anti-foolishness, Abracadia is anti-racist, so it has to be anti-colonialist, and that means it must be anti-capitalist. Abracadia is pro-justice, so it has to be pro equal rights, and that means it must be pro-Ubuntu. Ubuntu is part of all traditional African cultures south of the Sahara.

The inner smile dies with utopian imagination as the fool sells his soul for passing pennies. The fool industriously destroys our living habitat and causes mass extinction worse than the dinosaurs’. Blake’s ‘dark satanic mills’ indeed.

The wise chill out, swing in a hammock, compose a liberating tale, an uplifting song to share, something for all to experience, something that gives a sense of real connected meaning. Something even to restore a lost inner smile and a nod to the human need for utopian hope.

Abracadia publishing gives voice to the anti-capitalist pro-Ubuntu mission of the oppressed and to the musical writings of the true poets and dreamers: true utopians and magical spellers who can help humanity to weave the world we’ve dreamed of all these years, a world of hope and risk, a world of conviction and faith in our Ancestral mission from the gods.

For more on all topics to do with Abracadia and its work, don’t forget to check Abracadia’s weekly spoken word offering at the ‘Bit Of Soul Podcast’. Come and say hi, pass by for a try. Be great to see you there. Just roll up anytime to listen, chill and reason at the lush and refreshing oasis that is Abracadia.

Until such time - In Ubuntu



Genesis: The Roots of the Songtree


Sticks And Pens: Writing Vs Playing Music.